For maximum acceptance rate, please follow these guidelines when filling out the submission form.
Your Name: Submit your real name.
For example:
Good: Jose Santiago
Bad: Black Boy
Category: Select 1 catagory where you which best describe your site. A good idea would be to navigate through our directory to see where the best fit would be.
Url: Submit the blog Url or homepage Url only. Most directories will only accept homepage links, not sub-directories.
For example:
Page Title: Use a short but descriptive title. Avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is repeating the same words or phrases over and over again to help your search engine rankings in the title. Avoid using your URL in the title, or unnecessary punctuation.
For example:
Good: Eblog-Directory - An SEO friendly Web Directory
Bad: - SEO friendly directory | web directory |directory service | link building | seo directories.
Description: 50-250 characters seems to be the optimal range for descriptions. Avoid repetition and keyword stuffing.
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